Well done Year 2!

Hundreds of year 2 pupils got their hearts pumping at the first of the PE & School Sport team’s Mutli-skills Festivals today. The young people participated in lots of different activities, working on their running, jumping, throwing, catching, accuracy, timing & reaction skills! Phew! I think there might be some tired school children by the end of this week!

18 schools attended the event and it was a great kick start to the new academic year. A fun festival, encouraging children to have a go and to help develop their fundamental movement skills as well as intereacting with their peers, their staff and the young leaders from Tyne Met who supported the event. Many thanks to the 28 learners from the college.

Not only this… but each and every young person completed the 60 minutes of physical activity that they are reccommended to particpate in!

The event took place at the Evolution Football Centre and is the first of a number of events we will host at the venue this year.

There were lots of smiling rosey red faces on departure – we hope the young people enjoyed the event and that staff have taken away some simple ideas that they can use as part of their PE lessons and during their “active” break times.

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