“Aladdin”, “Incredibles” & “Guardians of the Galaxy”… stories that you think might engage pupils in activity?

Why not sign up for the FA Shooting Stars training course…

A free full day course that is available through the North Tyneside PE & Sport Team, local Girls Football School Partnership. You will gain knowledge on two programmes, FA Shooting Stars Active Play through Storytelling & FA Shooting Stars Girls Football Clubs.

The Active Play through Storytelling course and supporting resources have been developed to support “the beginner girl” aged 5 to 8, in developing their physical literacy, speaking and listening skills through the medium of creative play and storytelling.

Attendees will receive resources including storybooks and adventure passports that the girls can take home with them with the idea of embedding the target of 60 active minutes into their daily routine.

The FA Shooting Stars Girls Football Club programme is inspired by Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy and uses stories to inspire girls to get active and engage in sport. The programme has been designed to build on the experience the girls may receive from the Active Play experience and provides an exit route still within the school environment.

Who is this training course for?

This course is for teachers, teaching assistants, lunchtime supervisors & support staff. Learners will be taken on a journey to explore the benefits of play and fundamental movements to support the challenges young girls face when engaging with physical activity.

Are you the right person to attend the days training on behalf of your school? Would you like to engage girls in activity by bringing the Disney stories to life?

The course will take place in March, for more information contact jo.walton@northtyneside.gov.uk

You are also able to access further resources and promotional videos of the programmes through visiting www.girlsfootballinschools.org

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